27 August, 2008
Page 50
- The Drinkless Mind
Are you drinking to conform professionally or socially? Do you use alcohol as an emotional crutch? Do you often regret overdoing it? Have you ever resolved to get your drinking under control and yet never actually do? In an industry where most of us drink too much, the likelihood is that you will answer yes to at least one of these questions. So maybe this is a bedtime or airside read for you.
Published by Able Publishing
Price: £17.99
- The Grappa Handbook
Ever wanted to get to grips with grappa? Marcin Miller, who is described as a "spirits sensation seeker with 17 years' experience", has written and published the handbook in association with Nardini, the family-owned
distillery behind one of Italy's
leading grappa brands.
The book is available gratis to bartenders and restaurateurs from [http://www.nardinigrappa.com]
- Guinness: The 250-year Quest for the Perfect Pint
San Franciscan beer writer Bill Yenne follows the story of how Arthur Guinness secured a 9,000 -year lease for his Dublin brewery.
Published by Wiley.
Price: £13.99/E18.80
- The Single Malt Whisky Flavour Map
The Single Malt Whisky Flavour Map aims to show where whiskies are located in terms of flavour profile. It aims to help consumers make an informed choice . The map is objective, showing brands in relation to two axes - light-to-rich and delicate-to-smoky - and has been endorsed by well-known whisky taster and writer Dave Broom.
Published by Diageo
Download from malts.com