Pick of the Launches
Brand owner Foxhole Spirits
RRP £40
Markets foxholespirits.com and a selection of independent retailers and bars
Contact Rachel McKenna, rachel@stellarpublicrelations.com, 07539937115
Foxhole Spirits has launched a gin distilled with English wine grapes picked from Sussex vineyards.
The gin is created in small batches in a process which presses the unused juice from English wine grapes. A method the company claims is not currently used for any other gin produced in the UK.
James Oag-Cooper, Foxhole Spirits founder, said: “In a typical English wine harvest, because of the nature of wine-making, around 30%-40% of the grape material is not used and normally gets thrown away. However, when it is put through a second pressing, we can use the juice to create a gin with a beautiful balance of floral and citrus characteristics.”