Camden launches beer made with Marmite

Camden Town Brewery has partnered with Marmite to launch a new limited edition beer which uses the popular spread in its brewing process.

To make the new beer, Camden started with a combination of pilsner, Munich, Perle hops and smoked Rauch malt before adding Marmite.

Marmite is a by-product of the beer brewing process with most of the beer yeast produced in the UK being used to make the popular spread.

 Ashleigh Amos, head of brand experience and partnerships at Camden Town Brewery, said: “Joining forces with Marmite is an amazing opportunity to really show off our brewing credentials. We immediately got to work on how we were going to bring the rich, smoky flavours alive, while keeping the freshest tasting beer our Camden lovers recognise.” 

Camden is stocking its Marmite Ale at all major retailers including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Co-op, Ocado, Waitrose and Morrison’s from 13 September.