Pick of the Launches



Brand owner Rupert Holloway

RRP £30

Markets UK

Contact trade@conkerspirit.co.uk

Conker Cold Brew (25% abv) is said to be the first of its kind in the UK, created using cold-brewed Ethiopian and Brazilian speciality coffee to create a tribute to the espresso.

The company says there are no additives, flavourings or thickeners.

Conker Spirit is Dorset’s first gin distillery and its first product was Conker Spirit Dorset Dry Gin, said to be made from British wheat spirit and New Forest spring water.

The Brazilian beans are said to be roasted darker and for longer to accentuate the cacao and caramel notes. The Ethiopian coffee is roasted faster and lighter to accentuate the sweetness and natural citrus character, so adding a zesty highlight to the blend.