Spanish highs

“There is no doubt that María José is the best unofficial ambassador that Spain could ask for.… and she’s a lovely lady too.”

Asked what she would like to say to buyers and ultimately consumers, Sevilla can’t help but slip into PR mode: “Spain still offers a very wide range of wines with different personalities, many waiting to be discovered.

“For the consumer I would recommend to be more adventurous, particularly when selecting a wine to drink with food. Spanish wines are particularly designed to accompany different food traditions.”

Asked what her favourite wines are, Sevilla replies: “I am very partial to sherry and many of the white wines of Galicia. (Specifically) I like Manzanilla Pasada and wines from the Valdeorras DO.”

Does she have time to ‘relax’ and, if so, what does she manage to find time for? “Travelling, listening to music and cooking for friends. Gardening and sailing are also growing faster in my list.”

Now that she is finished with her ‘crusade’ for Spanish food and wine, is she hanging up her sword and shield? “I intend to carry on the work I love, [pause] at a civilised pace.”

Her epitaph? “Not very much, perhaps ‘I did try’.”