Drinkaware calls for tougher measures on drinking
UK charity Drinkaware has said that tougher action is needed to counter UK binge drinking.
The call follows UK government proposals to increase fines on the serving of underage drinkers to £20,000, to introduce a late-night levy on premises that require additional policing, and to implement a ban on the below-cost selling of alcohol.
Chris Sorek, chief executive of Drinkaware, said: “Tackling the UK binge drinking problem will require a range of measures, and giving tougher penalties for underage alcohol sales is an important part of the solution.”
Speaking of the financial, social, physical and emotional impacts of alcohol on society, Sorek called for “immediate action” to challenge the UK’s acceptability of drunkenness.
The charity advises that people should not exceed daily unit guidelines of 3-4 units of alcohol for men, and 2-3 units for women.
Sorek said: “Education can play a pivotal role in changing people’s relationship with alcohol and making sure people know the recommended daily unit guidelines and the effects of regularly drinking to excess.”
Established in 2007, Drinkaware aims to “provide consumers with information to make informed decisions about the effects of alcohol on their lives and lifestyles”.
For more information visit: www.drinkaware.co.uk