Alcohol Concern calls for training against alcohol misuse
UK charities Alcohol Concern and the Children’s Society have called for “mandatory social work training” on the issues surrounding parental alcohol misuse.
The charities teamed up to produce a report on the impact of parental alcohol misuse on children, with research revealing that UK social workers receive “little or no training” in the area.
In collaboration with Wendy Robinson Consultancy – a UK specialist in children, families and alcohol misuse – Alcohol Concern has also announced the launch of the Family Training Academy, across England and Wales.
Don Shenker, chief executive of Alcohol Concern, said: “The aim of the academy is to increase the effectiveness of alcohol related work with children and families.
“Our ambition is that the new pool of trainers will start to deliver training courses throughout England and Wales in spring 2011 for professionals working in services for children, parents, families or substance users.
“Any trainers interested in joining the academy should complete an application by January 17 2011.”