Michael Cox memorial service – April 10
Michael Cox’s wife Lynne and twin brother David and his family have confirmed that everyone attending Michael’s memorial service at Southwark Cathedral on Thursday 10 April 10 at 3.30 pm is welcome to join them for a glass of wine in the Great Halls at Vinopolis afterwards.
Vinopolis at 1 Bank End, SE1 9BU is walking distance from Southwark Catheral, which is by London Bridge.
The cathedral has asked that early arrivals do not get there before 3.00 pm as there is preceding service
Also, David has requested: “No flowers please. Donations if desired to either ‘The Vintners’ Foundation’ or ‘St. Michael’s Hospice Basingstoke’ c/o Richard Steel & Partners, Alderman House, 12-14 City Road, Winchester SO23 8SD or via www.rsponline.co.uk.”